Page 12 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
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                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 1     INTRODUCTION

                 MoHR                    started as a Department of Labour in 1904 and

                                        became to what it is known today as Ministry of

                 Human Resources in 1960. Simply put, MoHR’s role in leading Malaysia’s
                 Human Capital has been over more than hundred (100) years today or for

                 the  past  fifty-six  (56)  years  since  independence.  Over  the  past  five
                 decades  of  independence,  Malaysia  has  seen  Human  Capital

                 Transformation or best described by Durrishah Idrus, “from Agriculture
                 to  Industry,  Pondok  to  Twin  Towers” .  Within  the  said  period,  the
                 explosion growth of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
                 advancement has changed tremendously overtime from the way people

                 are  communicating  and  conducting  business.  Just  for  an  analogy

                 purposes, in terms of ICT progress, disk storage for 25 Mega Bytes in the
                 1980’s weighs approximately 100 Kg with the size of a washing machine.

                 Today,  an  SD  memory  card  for  the  size  of  256  GB  is  available  in  the
                 international  market  weighing  approximately  3  grams.  Thus,

                 comparatively,  storage  per  gram  has  increased  by  341  Million  times
                 within 30 years or approximately an average of 11 Million improvements

                 per year. That is on the sheer weight alone and not by the access time
                 capability. Sounds scary or may perhaps exaggerating, but the point is,

                 similarly, we have to transform MoHR ICT capabilities in respond to the
                 Human  Capital  Transformation  to  ensure  that  Malaysia  will  achieve

                 Vision 2020, High Income Nation and capable of providing highly skilful
                 knowledge workers. ICT is no longer a tool or automation system, ICT

                 shall  be  treated  as  catalyst  of  change  and  shall  shape  and  provide
                 organisation capabilities to meet this highly globalised, competitive and

                 borderless world that we are here today. ICT shall not be seen as cost
                 centre,  but  rather  an  investment  for  better  Malaysian’s  future,  with

                 respect to Human Capital Transformation.

                 1  Human Capital Transformation – 55 Years of Malaysian Experience, Chapter 1 – Durrishah Idrus

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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