Page 5 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
P. 5

                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 Document Control

                  Basic Information

                  Project Title:           Development of MoHR ICT Strategic Plan (ISP)

                  Contract                 2 May 2013

                  Commencement Date:

                  Contract Expiry Date:    2 September 2013

                  Project Brief:           Objective of ISP

                                              1)  To  develop  an  ICT  strategic  direction
                                                  for MoHR for a period of five (5) years.

                                              2)  To  develop  the  technical  architecture

                                                  for ICT implementation inline with the
                                                  strategic direction of MOHR.

                                              3)  To  provide  an  implementation  plan

                                                  identifying   the    implementation

                                                  strategies and actions to be taken.

                                              4)  To  define  the  standards,  procedure
                                                  and   guidelines   to   support   the
                                                  implementation  of  the  proposed  ICT

                                                  Strategic Plan.

                                              5)  To  develop  the  ICT  implementation

                                                  roadmap with cost estimation.

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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