Page 37 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
P. 37

                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                            3)    To provide  appropriate  Applications  and  Systems to
                                  MoHR  internal  users,  Stakeholders,  Customers,

                                  Departments and Agencies.

                            4)    To  provide  Central  Data  Bank  or  Central  Data
                                  Repository  to  foster  Collaboration  and  information

                                  sharing  between  MoHR  Stakeholders,  Customers,
                                  Departments and Agencies.

                            5)    To provide sound and appropriate ICT Infrastructure

                                  to support the required new and existing applications.

                            6)    To provide enabling environment to foster maximum

                                  effectiveness  and  usage  and  of  ICT  in  all  aspects  of
                                  MoHR Business and Operations.

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            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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