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              Forced labour is prohibited by the 1957  The Employment Act 1955, Sarawak
              Malaysian Federal Constitution and   Labour Ordinance (Cap 76) or Sabah
              Penal Code.                          Labour Ordinance (Cap 67)  do not
                                                   currently deal with forced labour but
                                                   rather individual indicators of forced
                                                   labour such as contract substitution,
                   Article 6 of the Federal Constitution  excessive overtime, withholding of
                   states that no persons shall be held  wages, abusive working and living
                   in slavery and all forms of forced                                      National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                   labour are prohibited with the  conditions.
                   exception of compulsory national
                   service and work or service carried
 3.1. National Legal Framework  out by persons as a consequence of
                   a court conviction.
                                                   These Act and Ordinances
                                                   also protect workers right to
 Malaysia has existing domestic legislation  The term ‘no persons’ indicates the
 relevant to forced labour :  inclusion of all persons, i.e. citizens and  organise and it should be
              non-citizens, including refugees, asylum-  noted that “employers” are
              seekers, stateless persons, migrant  interpreted broadly to also
              workers, documented or otherwise.
                                                   cover, for example,
 � Federal Constitution of  � National Wages Consultative
 Malaysia  Council Act 2011                        recruitment agencies that
                                                   provide labour to multiple
 � Penal Code  � Employees’ Minimum Standards of
 Housing, Accommodations and  Section 374 of the Penal Code states  enterprises.
 � Employment Act 1955
 Amenities Act 1990  that “whoever unlawfully compels
 � Anti-Trafficking in Persons and  any person to labour against the will
 Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act  � Occupational Safety and Health Act  of that person, shall be punished  The Employment Act, pursuant to
 2007              with imprisonment for a term which  amendments made in 2012 in Act A1419
 � Industrial Relations Act 1967  may extend to one year or with fine
 � Immigration Act 1959/63  or with both.”         included new terms for interpretation
 � Trade Unions Act 1959                           under Section 2 amongst them is the
 � Passports Act 1966  � The Contracts Act 1950  In the Penal Code, Section 370 is on  “contractor for labour” which means a
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  � Private Employment Agencies  � Sabah Labour Ordinance (Sabah  slave”, Section 371 deals with “habitual  the whole or any part of any work which
                                                   person who contracts with a principal,
 � Employment Restriction Act
                                                   contractor or sub-contractor to supply
 � Sarawak Labour Ordinance
                                                   the labour required for the execution of
 (Sarawak Cap 76)
              “buying or disposing of any person as a
 (Amendment) Act 2017
                                                   a contractor or sub-contractor has
              dealing in slaves” and Section 374 is on
 Cap 67)
                                                   contracted to carry out for a principal or
              “unlawful compulsory labour”. All these
 � Workmen’s Compensation Act
                                                   contractor, as the case may be. There is a
 � Children and Young Persons (Em‐
              Sections refer to ‘any person’ and not
                                                   need to relook at issues on contractor
              ‘citizen’. However, the penalties should
 ployment Act 1966
                                                   for labour on matters pertaining to
              be reviewed to be in line with Malaysia’s
                                                   forced labour.
              obligation pursuant to ILO Convention
 6 This list is derived from the ILO 2018 Situation and Gap Analysis on Malaysian Legislation, Policies, and Programmes
 and the ILO Forced Labour Convention and Protocol’ which can be found on
 --asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/genericdocument/wcms_650658.pdf. The remaining contents of this section is an
 abridged and updated version of the analysis of the legal framework in the background study for the NAPFL.  29.
 7 The Sarawak Labour Ordinance does not explicitly mention forced labour but it does include a number of relevant
 provisions to violations that could aggravate into forced labour.
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