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                  3.2 International                      Work or service
                  Legal Framework                        “All work or service” refers to all types
                                                         of work, service and employment,                         In  addition,  Malaysia  has  ratified
                                                         occurring in any activity, industry or                   Convention no.182 (Worst Forms of    Malaysia agreed to ratify the
                  The legal framework in                 sector, including in the informal                        Child  Labour),  Convention  no.98   ILO Protocol to C29 of 2014
                                                         economy. Forced labour can occur in
                  Malaysia is based on a                 both the public and private sectors.                     (Collective (Equal  Remuneration)  and  (ILO P29), and the guiding           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                  number of international and                                                                     Convention no.138 (Minimum Age) and  principles contained in P29
                  regional Conventions that                                                                       Convention no.131 (Minimum Wage)     will be applied to this NAPFL.
                  Malaysia has ratified.                 Any person                                               which have provide useful guidance in
                                                                                                                  determining Malaysia’s obligations with
                                                         The definition applies to all workers.                   respect to the protection of the rights of
                                                         This refers to adults as well as                         migrant workers.
                  These include (but are not limited to) ILO  children, regardless of their
                  Convention 29 on Forced Labour which   nationality and legal status.
                  Malaysia ratified in 1957, the Protocol to                                                      Further, the ACTIP aims to effectively
                  Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking                                                        deter and punish human trafficking, to
                  in Persons, Especially Women and       Menace of any penalty                                    provide assistance to victims and to
                  Children (Palermo Protocol) and the    The “menace of any penalty” refers to                    promote cooperation and collaboration
                  ASEAN Convention against Trafficking in  a wide range of penalties used to                      within the region.
                  Persons Especially Women and Children  compel someone to perform work or
                  (ACTIP).                               service, including penal sanctions
                                                         and various forms of direct or indirect                  The Convention specifically underlines
                                                         coercion, such as physical violence,                     the need to prevent human trafficking,
                                                         psychological threats or the non-                        including  trafficking  for  labour
                       ILO C29 defines “forced or        payment of wages. The “penalty” may
                       compulsory labour” as “all work or                                                         exploitation, through establishing a
                       service which is exacted from any  also consist of a loss of rights or                     coherent legislative framework and
                       person under the menace of any    privileges (such as a promotion,                         enacting policies and programmes to
                       penalty and for which the said    transfer, or access to new                               prevent trafficking in persons at national
                       person has not offered himself    employment).                                             levels. In addition, the Convention
                       voluntarily”.                     Involuntariness                                          stresses the importance of regional and
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  This definition consists of the following  to the free and informed consent of a
                                                                                                                  international cooperation to eliminate
                                                                                                                  human trafficking.
                                                         The terms “offered voluntarily” refer

                                                         worker to enter into an employment
                                                         relationship and his or her freedom
                                                         to leave the employment at any time.
                                                         For example, an employer or recruiter
                                                         could interfere with this freedom by
                  9 This explanation of the definition is taken from “The new
                                                         making false promises to induce a
                  Protocol and Recommendation at a glance”
                                                         worker to take a job that he or she
                                                         would not otherwise have accepted.
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