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              Federation (MEF) and Malaysian Trades
              Union Congress (MTUC). A special                                             National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              appreciation to the International Labour
              Organization (ILO) for their tireless effort
              and support to the Government in
              addressing forced labour issues, as well
              as  to   the  other  Civil  Society
              Organisations (CSO) and International
              Organisations for their input and
                                                                                           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              comments. My heartfelt gratitude also
              goes to the Ministries and Government
              Agencies including the Human Rights
              Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) for
              the participation and commitment in
              developing the NAPFL.

              I wish to take this opportunity to
              encourage and remind all civil servants
              and stakeholders of our duties to the
              nation to uphold social justice and
              promote decent work. The NAPFL serves
              as a guidance with a whole-of-nation
              approach, a shared responsibility among
              all stakeholders, and not only the
              government. Let the delivery of the
              NAPFL be comprehensive, practical and
              most  importantly  sustainable  and
              adaptable in the rapidly changing world
              of work.

              I wish all of you the best in the
              continuous dedication in implementing
              the National Action Plan on Forced
              Labour 2021-2025.
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