Page 19 - BPAReport
P. 19

5.      The Independent Committee presented an Interim Report on its findings together with
              discussions on its preliminary recommendations to the Minister of Human Resources on
              December 18, 2018 and to the Minister of Home Affairs on January 14, 2019.

              6.      The Independent Committee held thirteen town hall sessions in Kuala Terengganu,
              Kuantan, Melaka, Kuching, Miri, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Alor Setar, Ipoh, Kepala Batas,
              Seremban, Putrajaya and Johor Bahru. A total of 6090 participants attended the Town Hall
              sessions. During these sessions the Secretariat recorded 797 oral responses touching on
              weaknesses in the foreign workers management system.

              7.      The Secretariat received 167 written memorandums from a variety of stakeholders
              ranging from employers, to employee groups, to civil society organisations and individuals
              with  an  interest in  the welfare  and social  struggles  of  foreign  workers.  They contained
              complaints about shortcomings in the system but there were also many suggestions proposed
              for strengthening or revamping the system. Furthermore, stakeholders also sent to the
              Secretariat a total of 110 suggestions and memorandums via email.

              8.      The Secretariat has collated and summarized all these very useful feedbacks which the
              Independent Committee has had the opportunity to review and to take into consideration in its
              deliberations  and   recommendations   to   revamp   comprehensively   the  foreign   workers
              management system.

              9.      The feedbacks from the town hall sessions formed the basis for the subsequent focus
              group discussions with selected stakeholders. The discussions mainly focused on policy
              changes and adjustments that the stakeholders felt were essential for a more effective holistic
              foreign workers management system. The discussions with in-house unions and national
              unions  of  employee  representatives  saw  the  participation  of  6  entities  from  the  private  and
              public sectors and was attended by 7 persons. In the discussions with the group composed of
              employers’ associations and unions some 18 entities covering a variety of economic sectors
              attended with 57 representatives present.

              10.     There was also a group discussion with international organizations, the Bar Council
              and Suhakam where 12 entities attended with  19 representatives. This was  followed by
              another group  discussion involving 25  entities  from the migrant and  refugee communities
              who sent 102 representatives to the focus group discussions. We purposely held it on a
              Sunday morning to facilitate the attendance of foreign workers.

              11.     A separate group from 9 source country embassies were invited with twelve
              representatives to gather their views. The invitation to NGOs saw the attendance of 20
              entities  who  sent  28  representatives  to  convey  their  suggestions  and concerns  to  the
              Independent Committee.

              12.     There was also a group discussion held in Parliament attended by 19 members of
              Parliament  and  4  senators.  The  last  focus  group discussion  was  held  for  regulatory  agencies
              and 8 foreign worker service providers. There were 40 participants who attended.

              13.     Including the inaugural meeting, the Independent Committee met on 6 occasions to
              discuss the feedbacks and inputs received from the town hall sessions and focus group
              discussions. We have debated the significance and the pros and cons of the various policy

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