Page 15 - BPAReport
P. 15

37.    The Independent Committee strongly recommends that this full Report of the
               Committee be made public.

                                      Independent Committee Core Recommendations

               1. Overall National Policies

              1.1 MOHR be appointed the single authority responsible for formulating and implementing
                   policies pertinent to the National Foreign Workers Management System (NFWMS)
                            Review all previous Cabinet and Government decisions on FWs and make them
                            consistent with MOHR’s new mandate. Special approvals for FWs must be repealed
              1.2 MOHR will chair a committee comprising all relevant agencies to manage enforcement
                   actions pertaining to the NFWMS
                            Cease all harassment and exploitation of FWs by law enforcement officials
                            Improve occupational safety and health for FWs
                            Address comprehensively the physical and mental health of FWs
                            Introduce a specific Domestic Workers Act. Pending this, provide regulations under
                            the Employment Act to better protect domestic workers.
                            Expedite the amendment of 9 labour laws drafted for submission to Parliament
                            Proactively address and enforce existing laws on forced labour and human trafficking

              1.3 Provide sufficient financial and human resources to MOHR as the single authority to
                   manage the single online NFWMS system
              1.4 MOUs to be negotiated with source countries should have standardized core coverage and
              1.5 Accede to all applicable international instruments e.g. UN and ILO Conventions on
                   Migrant Workers; UN Refugee Convention of 1951; ILO Protocol on Forced Labour;
                   Global Compact on Migration; etc.
              1.6 Provide incentives for industry to automate and innovate to reduce reliance on FWs

               2. Recruitment Policies
              2.1 Develop an end-to-end single online system covering all components of the NFWMS
                            Make the Multi-Tier Levy System the centrepiece mechanism of the PLKS worker
                            component of the online application and approval system under the NFWMS
                            All employers must make an online standardised statutory declaration that they
                            comply with all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, etc. pertinent to FWs
                            All relevant foreign worker information will be digitalised and uploaded online into a
                            centralized data warehouse of the NFWMS to be managed by MOHR
                            Policy for expatriates to be streamlined and integrated into the online application and
                            approval system and the data warehouse
                            Policy should routinely allow and facilitate the employment of foreign spouses of
                            Malaysian citizens and be a component of the online system
                            Develop a module within the online system to register and approve foreign students
                            seeking employment as interns and trainees

              2.2 The use of services providers such as MyEG, Bestinent, SPIKPA, SPPA must be
                   terminated. The Government will take back the roles and service operation functions of
                   these service providers

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