Page 24 - BPAReport
P. 24

Interim Report and Final Report

              14.     The Interim Report attempted to gather the evolving key proposals emerging from the
              deliberations of the Independent Committee. Given the tight deadline imposed on the
              Committee, the Interim Report prepared was not as focussed as desired. Following
              discussions of the preliminary findings and recommendations with the Ministers of Human
              Resources and of Home Affairs, and further deliberations by the Independent Committee in a
              series of meetings in January 2019, we believe this Final Report is more thorough and
              comprehensive. It  sets  out  clearly  the shortcomings  of  the  current foreign  worker
              management system.

              15.     The recommendations cover a wide array of areas in which changes and reform
              efforts are needed. There are recommended measures that could be immediately put  in place
              and some other measures that will require a longer period of time to become fully effective.
              The Independent  Committee feels very strongly that  the immediate measures that  could  be
              taken be focused on urgent removal of the corrupt practices and preferential treatment
              granted to appointed service providers. The impediments faced by employers in employing
              FWs should be addressed and resolved immediately. There must also be an immediate end to
              the  abuse  of  foreign  workers  (documented  and  undocumented)  by  employers,  recruitment
              entities and enforcement agencies.

                  The Interim Report pre-discussion in the Joint Committee Meeting held on 14th January 2019 at
                                             Ministry of Home Affairs, Putrajaya

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