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Figure 5: Employed Persons by Occupation and Citizenship, 2017

                                         Elementary occupations          908.6                   (’000)
                          Plant and machine operators and assemblers  438.3
                                   Craft and related trades workers  231.5    1,282.4
                Skilled agricultural, forestry, livestock and fishery workers  84.8  812.2
                                       Service and sales workers  407.9                             2,798.2

                                        Clerical support workers  20.2       1,214.6
                             Technicians and associate professionals  38.5       1,482.4

                                                Professionals  43.6
                                                   Managers  24.0     665.5
                                                          0.0          1,000.0        2,000.0       3,000.0
                                                   Non Malaysian Citizen  Malaysian Citizen

              Source: Labour Force Survey Report 2017, Department of Statistics Malaysia

              2.3 Foreign workers in other countries

              11.     International migration of workers is one of the key issues that policy makers have to
              address in the Asia Pacific region. The United Nations estimated that there were 59.3 million
              international migrants in the countries and areas of Asia and the Pacific in 2015.2 All
              countries in the Asia Pacific have experienced the effects of both emigration and immigration
              as well as the potential workers in transit migration. In this phenomena it is possible to
              differentiate between mainly destination countries (e.g. Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore,
              South Korea, Taiwan), countries with both significant immigration and emigration (e.g.
              Malaysia and Thailand), and those that are mainly source countries (e.g. Bangladesh, Burma,
              Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and

              12.     In this UN report, the estimated total foreign migrant workers in Malaysia for 2015
              totalled 2.5 million and made up 8.3% of the total population in Malaysia (Figure 5). The
              equivalent comparable statistic for Singapore, showed international migrants constituted
              42.9% of their population. Foreign migrant workers made up 38.9% and 27.7% of the
              population of Hong Kong and Australia, respectively

                Asia-Pacific Migration Report 2015, Migrants' Contributions to Development, ST/ESCAP/2738

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