Page 29 - BPAReport
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9.      Foreign workers have a large presence in the agriculture sector where they make up
              just under 60% (611,000 workers) as a ratio to the number of Malaysian workers (1.02
              million) employed in this sector in 2017 (Figure 4). The next sector in which many foreign
              workers are employed is the construction sector, where the number of foreign workers are
              31% relative to Malaysians. The manufacturing sector is next in hiring foreign workers with a
              ratio of 26%. Another prominent sector where foreign workers are concentrated is in services,
              where they account for some 10% as a ratio of the Malaysians working there in 2017.

                                 Figure 4: Employed Persons by Industry and Citizenship, 2017

                           Employed persons by Industry and Citizenship, 2017 (’000)



                        2000  1020.6
                                   611    85  12.1     514.8  960  296      800.8    Malaysian citizens
                           0                                           Services      Non-Malaysian citizens
                    Agriculture, forestry and fishing  Manufacturing  Construction
                                   Mining and quarrying

              Source: Labour Force Survey Report 2017, Department of Statistics Malaysia

              10.     Foreign workers are employed mostly in low-skilled and semi-skilled occupations
              (Figure 5). There are more foreign workers in elementary occupations (in accordance with the
              Malaysian Standard Classification of Occupations, MASCO) than there are Malaysian
              workers. 42.4% of non-citizen workers in 2017 were engaged in elementary occupations
              which are mainly associated with 3D jobs that require low educational qualifications and low
              skills. The next popular occupation where demand for foreign workers predominate is as
              plant and machine operators and assemblers, in which 19.6% of foreign workers took up
              positions. 18.2% of foreign workers were employed in service and sales workers jobs.

   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34