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wage levels for the positions where the trainees work. This then give credence to the
              complaints that foreign workers contribute to lowering overall wage levels.

              178.    Finally, there is evidence that non qualifying hotels and other businesses have also
              taken on foreign trainees, who do not hold students passes or PVPs.

              5.9.2   Policy recommendations for foreign interns and students

              Overall Policy

              179.    The Independent Committee recommends that the regulation and management of
              foreign interns and students be coordinated centrally by MOHR through the OPRM.

              180.    MOHR working with the current agencies involved and ESD through a subcommittee
              will manage the foreign internships program. A module will be designed for management of
              foreign interns to be integrated into the single online application and approval system.
              Information from the foreign intern module will feed into the central database of the system.

              181.    With  the  online  system,  the  SOP  of  all  agencies  with  oversight  and  regulatory  roles
              will be standardised. An algorithm for approval including the use of a dependency ratio quota
              mechanism (similar to the PLKS worker multi-tier levy system) will be developed and built
              into the module to remove as much as possible discretion in the decision making process for
              approvals. In particular, the criteria for determination of whether a firm (e.g. hotel ) is
              qualified to take part in a structured internship program for interns and the strategic
              importance of the industry taking interns for prioritised skilled occupations will need to be
              identified and quantified within the decision algorithm.

              182.    Similar information to confirm the qualifying course of studies and foreign
              educational institutions of  the  foreign intern applicant will  be collated and  codified in the

              183.    The PVP to be issued to qualifying foreign interns or trainees will be in a digital form
              and transmitted online. The online module will have the capability to issue a standard
              digitalized Smart ID card specific for such foreign interns from the biometric information and
              the unique ID number for each intern stored in the online database. All enforcement officers
              must give recognition to this intern Smart ID card. Enforcement authorities must no longer
              demand sight of hardcopy IDs like passports which absence currently constitutes an offence.

              Enforcement actions

              184.    The foreign intern subcommittee will manage enforcement and evaluation actions to
              confirm compliance of the firms taking part in the structured internship programs. They will
              also follow up on actions to monitor the activities of foreign interns and evaluate the
              effectiveness of the internship programs.

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