Page 77 - BPAReport
P. 77

5.8.2   Governance of the approval process for employment of foreign spouses

              160.    Approval for the employment of foreign spouses will be vested in MOHR. The
              approval process will be incorporated into a segment of the online application and approval
              system. The online system will cater for both foreign spouses of Malaysians and foreign
              spouses of expatriates.

              161.    The online system will include a statutory declaration attesting that the official
              documentation of marriage has been registered with the relevant Malaysian authorities and
              meet the conditions and requirements for employment application. The following conditions
              and requirements will be provided in the online system.

                   a.   The approval for employment will be provided by the online system within the
                      process duration period
                   b.   Upon approval with a unique identifier the online system will notify the
                      Immigration Department.
                   c.   The approval for employment will be open ended and will not be linked to the
                      validity of the LTSVP or Expatriate Spouse Employment Pass.
                   d.   A foreign spouse must record any change in status through the online system. For
                      LTSVP this involves a change in status to widow or divorcee that meets the
                      conditions and requirements for continued employment. For a foreign spouse of
                      expatriates, a change in status to widow or divorcee  will result in the employment
                      approval becoming invalid. In any case, the employment approval will become
                      invalid if the change in status involves the foreign spouse leaving Malaysia
                   e.   In the future, upon meeting all the conditions and requirements as established for
                      residing in Malaysia, the Immigration Department is to issue a LTSVP or the
                      Expatriate  Spouse   Employment    Pass   only  with   the   following  endorsements:
                      “Employment Permitted Upon Official Authorization” The duration and renewal
                      of these residential permits will follow the established guidelines. The LTSVP is
                      to be in digital form and issued online.
                   f.   The online foreign spouse module will have the capability to issue standard
                      digitalized ID cards specific to a foreign spouse, including virtual Smart online
                      IDs  sourced  from  biometric  information  and  the  registered  foreign  spouse  unique
                      ID number stored in the online database. All enforcement officers must give
                      recognition to this foreign spouse Smart ID card. Enforcement authorities must no
                      longer demand sight of hardcopy IDs like passports which absence currently
                      constitutes an offence.

              5.8.3.  Details in the approval Process for employment of foreign spouses

              162.    Employment approval granted to a foreign spouse will not be restricted to any
              employer or location or industry or economic sector or by age. Restrictions will apply for
              employment  in occupations  that  are  designated as sensitive  or  for security  reasons in
              accordance with the determination of the national security authorities.

              163.    The established duration between online application and approval for employment for
              foreign spouse should in principle not require more than 30 work days.

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