Page 81 - BPAReport
P. 81

Policy Recommendations for foreign interns
                 1.     Approval for the employment of foreign interns will be vested in MOHR working
                        with the subcommittee for foreign interns
                 2.     The approval process will be incorporated into a segment of the online foreign
                        worker application and approval system
                 3.     The online system will have the capability to issues Smart IDs for foreign interns
                 4.     Enforcement actions will focus on verification of eligibility of firms and the
                        effectiveness of the structured internship programs

              5.10    Stateless persons

              185.    A  1954  UN  Convention  governs  the  Status  of  Stateless  Persons.  UNHCR  has  published
              a set of guidelines on various aspects of statelessness, including the definition of a stateless
              person, the statelessness determination procedures, the status of stateless persons, and the
              prevention of statelessness at birth.

              186.    The norm on the right to birth registration is established in legal instruments and
              codified in international conventions. This norm is not only a general right but also an
              obligation of the state to guarantee all people the right to birth registration and nationality.
              This reflects the primary role of birth registration in establishing one's legal identity,
              including citizenship.

              187.    There is a need to develop a system to ensure that children are registered at or
              immediately after birth and granted the right to acquire a name as well as a nationality.
              However, there is still no systematic, coherent, and mutually reinforcing approach to define
              standards on birth registration at an international level. Neither is there clear guidance for states to
              implement birth registration which ensures attribution or acquisition of nationality for children.

              188.    Stateless persons are persons who have no nationality or citizenship under the
              operation of the laws of any country. In Malaysia there are several groups of people who are
              described as stateless, the stateless population in Sabah and Sarawak are largely of
              Indonesian and Filipino descent, some Malaysians of Indian descent, children of refugees and
              migrants and those born out of wedlock.

              189. It is imperative that the government of Malaysia identify and register stateless persons
              in Malaysia.

              190.    The Independent Committee recommends that stateless persons residing in Malaysia
              be given identity documents and be given the legal right to work. Only with the legal right to
              work can the stateless population be able to lead a meaningful life in Malaysia.

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