Page 29 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
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                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                                  (Jabatan  Tenaga  Kerja  Semennajung  Malaysia),
                                  JTKSWK (Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Sarawak) and JTKSBH

                                  (Jabatan  Tenaga  Kerja  Sabah).  The  said  three  (3)
                                  agencies  perform  similar  functions  but  accountable

                                  for  their  respective  territories.  However,  in  some
                                  cases, there are some peculiarity for certain JTKs due

                                  to different applicable or complementing laws within

                                  their respective territorial coverage (states).

                            3)    Social  Safety  Net  Provider  –  The  social  safety  net
                                  provider  is  primarily  implemented  and  enforced  by
                                  SOCSO/PERKESO, an Agency under MoHR.

                            4)    Unifier of Various Parties – The unifier role between

                                  employer  and  employee  trade  unions  is  under  the

                                  purview  of  JHEKS  (Jabatan  Hal  Ehwal  Kesatuan
                                  Sekerja - Trade Unions Affairs Department).

                            5)    Facilitate  Industrial  Relations  –  This  role  is  being

                                  carried out by JPP (Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan -
                                  Industrial Relations Department).

                            6)    Lead  Human  Capital  Development  –  The  Human

                                  Capital  development  involves  two  (2)  MoHR
                                  Departments, namely JTM (Jabatan Tenaga Manusia -

                                  Manpower Department) and JPK     (Jabatan
                                  Pembangunan  Kemahiran  -  Department  of  Skills

                                  Development), and three (3) Agencies namely, HRDF
                                  (Human  Resources  Development  Berhad),  NIOSH

                                  (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)
                                  and  PTPK  (Perbadanan  Tabung  Pembangunan

                                  Kemahiran  - Skill Development Fund).

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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