Page 26 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
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                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 6     HUMAN CAPITAL FRAMEWORK

                 In order to develop MoHR ICT Framework, there is a need to look at the
                 entire value chain of Human Capital in a holistic manner i.e. “from the

                 Cradle  to  the  Grave”  approach.  Appropriately,  based  on  our  series  of
                 discussions  with  MoHR  Line  of  Business  (LoB)  officers  and  senior

                 management  of  MoHR  and  other  associated  research,  we  have
                 developed a high level Human Capital Framework as shown below as a

                 foundation in shaping MoHR ICT Framework and subsequently, become

                 the driver for the proposed ICT programs and initiatives.

                                                  Human Capital Framework

                 The said Human Capital Framework is viewed from left to right i.e. from a

                 child  until  they  become  a  productive  labour  entering  the  Employment
                 Market into workplace within various industry sectors. Orange colour in

                 said diagram is to represent the core roles of MoHR with respect to the

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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