Page 46 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
P. 46

                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                                                    Labour Market Demand

                 The above process illustrates the process of generating Labour Market

                 Demand, which is in critical needs by MoHR. Knowing the total numbers
                 of  Labour  Demand  is  not  helping,  as  the  need  is  to  know  the  market

                 demand  for  what  specific  skills  as  per  NOSS  only  then  MoHR  can  be
                 advising the educations and higher learning sectors to be producing by

                 what exactly the market needs. The above process once implemented,
                 over  time,  it  will  eventually  match  what  skillsets  required,  by  which

                 industry sector, by how many, by which locality, by which constituents,
                 by  which  organisation/establishments  and  can  trace  the  labour  supply

                 chain for possible jobs matching. Key success is the completeness of the
                 system  and  the  “carrot” to  entice  the  employers,  employees  and  jobs

                 seekers. “Carrot” can come in a form of delivering the values as needed

                 by the said target audience.

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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