Page 57 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
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                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 12.9  INITIATIVE 2.3 - MoHR ICT Human Capital Development

                 ICT Human Capital Development program is a key critical success factors

                 for  the  ICT  Strategic  Plan  (ISP)  to  be  materialise.  The  ICT  Structure
                 shapes the roles clearly but the people or the Human Capital is the real

                 asset. Based on our findings as described in Section 4, the following are
                 the  key  excerpts  of  Human  Capital related  issues that requires serious


                       1)   MOHR  ICT  has  insufficient  manpower  due  to  the  vacancy
                            posted is not fulfilled in time and additional task is assigned
                            during the transition period of hiring new staff.

                       2)   MOHR  ICT  needs  improvements  on  the  requirement

                            Technical & ICT Management Skill sets for current operation

                            support to meet the business expectation.

                       3)   MOHR  ICT  has  to  be  more  exposed  on  new  technologies
                            and new solutions in order to capitalise new approaches and

                            technologies  in  order  to  maximize  the  value  of  the  ICT
                            department.    Proposed  recommendations  to  address  this

                            issue will be discuss in the subsequent report.

                       4)   MOHR  ICT  needs  to  align  with  HR  for  more  structured
                            training programme where the right skillset development is

                            provided to people based on their R&R accordingly.

                 The following diagrams reflected our findings when we conducted our
                 ICT Survey in the beginning of the project. Almost 90% of BPM personnel

                 responded  that  they  do  NOT  have  a  structured  training  program  and
                 also  do  NOT  have  any  ICT  related  certification  trainings.  The  said

                 findings require quick, structured and methodological remedies towards
                 building Knowledge Workers and building high-income Nation direction.

                 On  the  positive  note,  knowing  the  problem  is  halfway  to  solving  the

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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