Page 60 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
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                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 12.10  INITIATIVE 2.4 - Sourcing Project Management Office (PMO)

                 In view of MoHR ICT Team will be implementing very large initiatives

                 especially  the  implementation  of  the  Human  Capital  Transformation
                 Flagship,  which  is  the  combination  of  Initiative  1.1  -  Labour  Market

                 Demand & Supply Information System (LMDSIS), Initiative 1.2 - Unified
                 MoHR Stakeholders Information System (UMSIS), Initiative 1.3 - Unified

                 Enforcement  Management  System  (UEMS)  and  Initiative  1.4  -  Unified
                 Human Capital Development System (UHCDS), it is highly recommended

                 that MoHR to adopt hybrid implementation, i.e. a combination of MoHR
                 internal  team  and  an  external    Project  Management  Office  (PMO)  to

                 minimise the risk of poor project implementation outcome. In addition,
                 the  said  recommended  approach  would  enable  the  new  MoHR  ICT

                 Projects & Portfolio Management Section as described in the main report
                 in  Section  7.8.8  to  gain  project  management  experience  by  getting

                 involved with the right strategic partner for technology transfer.

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            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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