Page 68 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
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                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 12.17  INITIATIVE 3.3 - One Government Network (1Gov*NET)

                 1Gov*Net  is  a  Government  initiative  to  develop  a  Public  Sector  ICT
                 network  infrastructure  that  will  be  centrally-  managed  and  providing

                 data  communication,  voice  and  video  services  (or  unified
                 communications).  This  network  will  not  only  be  used  to  facilitate

                 communications  between  Government  agencies,  but  also  to  support
                 mobile  computing  and  enhanced  security  on  access  to  Government

                 applications. The establishment of the 1Gov*Net is to realize our Prime

                 Minister’s aspiration to create one integrated network specifically for the
                 use  of  Government  agencies  nation-  wide.  The  Government  needs  to
                 provide  a  big  budget  allocation  with  the  high  demand  by  agencies  to

                 develop,  upgrade  and  widen  network  coverage.  Through  the

                 implementation  of  1Gov*Net,  the  Government  is  able not  only  to save
                 costs  but  also  provides  uniformity  in  terms  of  infrastructure  and

                                                     Concept of 1 Gov*Net

                   By The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) - Author:
                 Puan Zaiha Mat Noor, ICT Shared Services Division

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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