Page 70 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
P. 70

                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 12.18  INITIATIVE 3.4 - Enterprise Research & Survey System

                 Diagram below illustrates then ERSS concept and the ERSS key functions

                 required to support MoHR business needs. The ERSS shall be extracting
                 the Contacts Database from the UMSIS-DB for the purpose of the ERSS

                 survey issuance. The key drivers of the proposed ERSS is to complement
                 the following applications:

                       1)   Labour Market Demand & Supply Information System (LMDSIS)

                       2)   Unified MoHR Stakeholders Information System (UMSIS)
                       3)   Unified Enforcement Management System (UEMS)
                       4)   Enterprise ICT Service Desk (EISD)

                                                 ERSS Concept & Key Functions

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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