Page 74 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
P. 74

                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 12.21  INITIATIVE 4.3 - Business Intelligence (BI)

                 The Business Intelligence (BI) can only be successfully be implemented
                 once  the  data  is  made  available  and  possess  “single-source-of-truth”,

                 only then the BI can be perform its desired intent and function. On the
                 other hand, the “single-source-of-truth” database cannot be functioning

                 as a “single-source-of-truth” if the applications are churning in various
                 directions  and  forms  feeding  conflicting  data.  In  summary,  every

                 component as identified in this ISP shall be performing its desired intent

                 and purpose in a holistic manner.

                 The following diagrams illustrate the BI Dashboards designed for MoHR

                 business needs.

                                                    BI Dashboards – Part 1

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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