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 While the fight against forced labour is  of their rights to health, education,  1.2 Situation
 not  new,  the  issue  has  gained  among others, when their parents are  Forced labour complaints (2020-21)
 substantially more attention within the  trapped in different forms of forced  Analysis  in Peninsular Malaysia
 last decade. This includes significant  labour and are unable to provide for
 media and consumer attention to forced  them. This can adversely impact the  Years  2020  2021
 labour in global supply chains that has  country’s  social  and  economic  The 2019 Background Study
 only become more important with  development.      Complaints received  6     7
 globalisation.  for this NAPFL found that          under ATIPSOM                          National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              there is limited data and
 As such, this National Action Plan on              Investigation paper /  4   3
 Therefore, in addition to the legal and  Forced Labour (NAPFL) provides a  evidence on forced labour in  prosecution
 moral obligation to eliminate forced  framework for the national efforts to  Malaysia and that most of
 labour, countries also have an economic  eliminate forced labour in Malaysia.  Others*  2  4
 and reputational interest in combatting  the publicly available
 forced labour within their borders  evidence is investigative               Source: JTKSM
 especially when a significant part of the  The NAPFL is an umbrella for initiatives  journalism and sector-  * proceed to investigate under Employment Act 1955; and
 economy is dependent on global supply  by the government, workers’ and  referred cases to other agencies (cases not related under
 chains and consumers, who have  employers’ organisations- particularly  specific studies.
 become increasingly aware of the risk of  the MEF and MTUC, the civil society
 forced labour. This could jeopardise the  organisations and international industry  As forced labour is a criminal activity in
 export of key commodities (like palm oil)  associations to achieve elimination of  Malaysia, as in most other countries, it
 and goods (e.g., electronics, rubber  forced labour by 2030, in line with the  Palm oil appears to be the  takes place “beneath the radar” and
 products).  SDG Target 8.7. It is important to note,  therefore,  forced  labour  is  often
 that this NAPFL focuses specifically on  most well-described sector  associated with the informal economy,
 forced labour, not on human trafficking  and though the full extent of  which is also associated with non-
 The authorities therefore need to  which is covered by the NAPTIP.  forced labour is not known,  payment of taxes and other issues that
 prioritise actions to address forced              may  impede   national  social  and
 labour and ensure fair recruitment and  the palm oil sector, at  economic development. Forced labour is
 decent work in line with international  The links between the NAPTIP and the  national level, has taken  also often associated with vulnerable
 human rights instruments, such as the  NAPFL are described in more detail  groups whose labour rights are not
 ILO Fair Recruitment Principles and the  under section 1.3. The NAPTIP is on its  significant steps towards  protected by existing legal frameworks,
 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Rights.  third  edition  outlining  national  eradicating forced labour,  including (but not limited to) the
                                                   undocumented migrant workers and
 strategies in combatting TIP.
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  data, the background study  comprise of primarily informal migrant
              according to the background
 Victims of forced labour also have
                                                   refugees, stateless and asylum-seekers
 families and children, who are deprived
                                                   who are not allowed to work legally in
              study. Despite the scarcity of
                                                   the country. Undocumented persons
              provided a picture of forced
              labour in Malaysia.
                                                   otherwise unregistered as migrant
                                                   workers) and their dependants.
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