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                                                                                                                  operating in Malaysia. The Strategic  persons and communities. Many of
                                                                                                                  Framework put forward by SUKAHAM is  these organisations are stakeholders in
                                                                                                                  built upon the three principles of the UN  the development of this NAPFL and have
                                                                                                                  Guiding Principles of state duty to  played a key role in its formulation.
                                                                                                                  protect  human   rights,  corporate  Among the private sector initiatives,
                                                                                                                  responsibility to respect human rights  such as by the Responsible Business
                                                                                                                  and access to remedy for those, whose  Alliance and Consumer Goods Forum,
                                                                                                                  rights have been violated.           are initiatives to improve due diligence in  National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                                                                                                                       the supply chains including recruitment
                                                                                                                                                       and employment practices.
                                                                                                                  The Strategic Framework highlights a
                                                                                                                  number of business-related rights and
                                                                                                                  areas   where     human     rights   In addition to the Government of
                                                                                                                  infringements have been reported in  Malaysia policy initiatives described
                                                                                                                  Malaysia, including exploitation of  here, there are also several trade union,
                                                                                                                  migrant workers, forced labour and child  employer’s  organisations  and  civil
                                                                                                                  labour and highlight the need for the  society initiatives intended to tackle
                                                                                                                  NAPBHR to include action to combat   forced labour.
                                                                                                                  these human rights violations.

                  In addition to this, NAPTIP has also  The activities in the NAPTIP are included                                                      Government initiatives also include the
                  included  relevant  interventions  on  in this NAPFL to ensure coherence and                    The NAPCL is also under development  MSPO, which is currently undergoing
                  forced  labour  in  the  pillars  on  consistency between the two, related,                     under the leadership of MOHR. The    review and strengthening of their
                  prevention, protection, prosecution and  NAPs.                                                  NAPCL will likewise serve as the     standards. Hence, the NAPFL is carried
                  enforcement and partnership.                                                                    umbrella NAP for all interventions   out through a whole-of-nation approach
                                                                                                                  addressing the full range of child labour  which requires active engagement of
                                                       The Human Rights Commission of                             issues, including those that have been  multiple  stakeholders,  from
                  Human trafficking for forced labour is  Malaysia  (SUHAKAM)  presented  a                       mainstreamed in other relevant NAPs.  government, trade unions, civil society
                  covered under the NAPTIP. The NAPFL  Strategic Framework for a National                                                              and   the    private  sector   to
                  will serve as the umbrella NAP for all  Action Plan on Business and Human                                                            comprehensively tackle the complexities
                  interventions addressing the full range  Rights for Malaysia in 2015 and                        These   include  community-based     of forced labour.
                  of forced labour issues, including those  development of the NAP BHR started in                 projects implemented by NGOs and
                  that have been mainstreamed in other  June 2019 under the leadership of the                     CSOs, providing services to at-risk
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  labour, and shows how various efforts,  The NAPBHR will build on the strategic
                  relevant NAPs, including the NAPTIP. By
                                                       Legal Affairs Division of the Prime
                  so doing, the NAPFL would reflect a
                  including those mainstreamed in other
                  national plans, are interlinked and in
                  some cases, inter-dependent. To ensure
                                                       framework developed by SUHAKAM and
                  consistency between the NAPTIP and
                  the NAPFL, the NAPFL log frame matrix
                  lists NAPTIP activities that specifically
                                                       including with multi-national companies
                  target human trafficking forced labour.
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