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 Foreword from the Secretary General of
 Ministry of Human Resources

 Forced labour is a recognized global  (NAPTIP), and the Labour Trafficking
 issue with alarming statistics. In year  Committee of the Anti Trafficking in             National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
 2016, there is an estimation of 40.3  Persons Council of the Ministry of Home
 million persons in modern slavery and  Affairs.
 24.9 million of those are involved in
 forced labour. The issue of forced labour
 is intrinsically linked to trafficking in  To further complement on these existing
 persons, modern slavery and labour  commitments, it is our honour to
 exploitation.  present this inaugural National Action
                                                                                           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              Plan on Forced Labour 2021-2025
              (NAPFL). The NAPFL was developed
 Forced labour often occurs to the  meticulously via the many consultations
 vulnerable group segment of workers,  with  various  stakeholders,  most
 such as migrant workers particularly  importantly  the  Ministry’s  social
 those who are involved in irregular  partners, the Malaysian Employers
 migration. Against the backdrop of  Federation (MEF) and the Malaysian
 industrial revolution and the future of  Trades Union Congress (MTUC).
 work, the issue of forced labour has
 unfortunately become more prevalent,  My appreciation goes to all who were
 whereby companies from Malaysia were  involved in the development of the
 issued with export sanctions, and the  NAPFL which aims to eliminate the use
 country’s standing on various human  of forced labour in any and all forms in
 rights fora has undergone multiple  Malaysia. The four strategic areas
 concerning observations.  supported by the 4P Pillars (Prevention,
              Protection, Prosecution and Partnership)
              will pave the way for a more holistic and
 As a country that firmly believes that
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  YBhg. Datuk Muhd Khair Razman bin  this has certainly propelled proactive  It is my fervent hope that this document
 forced labour is an infringement to
              approach to achieve the aim as well as
 human rights and constitutional rights,
              fulfilling the SDG Target 8.7.
 actions to tackle and address the issue at
 the root cause.
              will serve as a guide to consolidate
              efforts in addressing and subsequently
 To that end, the Government has
              eliminate forced labour in Malaysia.
 undertaken various efforts under the
 Mohamed Annuar
 ambit of National Action Plan on
 Secretary General ,
 Ministry of Human Resources
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