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                  The Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-  Since 2013, the Minimum Wage Orders
                  Smuggling   Act  2007   (ATIPSOM)    under the National Wages Consultative
                  criminalises offences of forced labour as  Council Act 2011 have applied to both
                  a form of exploitation under trafficking  Malaysians and migrant workers. The
                  in persons and the ATIPSOM forms the  minimum wage extends to all workers
                  basis for the NAPTIP. ATIPSOM defines  covered by the Employment Act 1955,
                  trafficking to include all actions involved  Sarawak Labour Ordinance (Cap 76) or
                  in acquiring or maintaining the labour or  Sabah Labour Ordinance (Cap 67)
                  services of a person through coercion  except domestic workers.
                  and proving the element of coercion is
                  central to making a case of trafficking or
                  forced labour under the ATIPSOM.     The Act is applicable to “Any person,
                  However, it does not acknowledge that  irrespective of his occupation, who has
                  forced labour could occur using abuse of  entered into a contract of service with an
                  vulnerabilities and deception.       employer” except for the employee not
                                                       included in the Act or Ordinance, i.e. a
                                                       domestic worker or a manual labourer.

                       The Immigration Act 1959/63
                       (Immigration Act), supplemented
                       by the Immigration Regulations       While there are legal provisions to
                       1963, governs Malaysia’s border      prohibit and criminalise forced
                       controls and security. This includes  labour in Malaysia, the
                       the power to issue Visitors Passes   background study for the NAPFL,
                       to temporary migrant workers and     however, points to a number of
                       12 months permits to migrant         constraints in the application of the
                       workers passing medical exams.       legal framework.

                  Immigration authorities also hold the
                  power to detain foreigners who enter
                  Malaysia without valid documentation.
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  documentation  on  employers  and
                  expressly forbids changing employers.
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