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              enforcement initiatives, legal reviews,  4.4 Strategic Goals
              establishment of systems, among others
              and improved migration management
              including enforcement. Strategic Goal 4
              on protection services and system links  The overall aim for the NAPFL
              to law enforcement as the ability to refer  is that by 2025 the forced
              victims to appropriate services and
              protect them during investigation and  labour incidence in                   National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              possible court cases in line with the  Malaysia is reduced.
              guiding principles above.

                                                   Towards this aim, the NAPFL consists of
              The fourth and final “P” refers to   four Strategic Goals to be realised by
              partnership.  Partnerships  between  2025. These goals were defined by
              multiple  partners  with  different  stakeholders    during     NAPFL
              mandates, skills and specialisations are  consultations and stakeholders expect,
              essential to tackle multi-causal, complex  that realising these goals will contribute
              issues like forced labour. The foundation  to the visions of the NAPFL, which is to
              for  the  NAPFL  development  and    eliminate the use of forced labour in
              implementation modality is partnership  any and all forms in Malaysia by 2030.
              among federal and state government
              agencies,  workers’  and  employers’
              organisations particularly MTUC and
              MEF, recruitment agencies, industry    By 2025, there will be improved knowledge
              associations,  businesses,  NGOs,      base and awareness and understanding
              academia etc. to work towards the same  of forced labour among workers and
              goal of eliminating forced labour in   employers, young people, government
              Malaysia, as defined in this NAPFL.    staff and the general public;

                                                     By 2025, there will be improved legal
              The following section describes the    compliance and enforcement related to
              NAPFL vision, guiding principles and   forced labour;
              pillars which are operationalised into
              strategic goals and programme areas.
                                                     By 2025, migration management,
                                                     including recruitment practices, will be
                                                     strengthened; and

                                                     By 2025, victims of forced labour will have
                                                     improved access to remedy, support and
                                                     protection services and systems to prevent
                                                     forced labour will be improved.
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