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              critical role in the implementation of the  4.6. NAPFL Matrix
              NAPFL. They represent businesses
              whose responsibility is to implement  Structure
              human rights due diligence and whose
              businesses may suffer the reputational
              and economic consequences of forced  The NAPFL results matrix in Annex 1,
              labour, even when it is found in     details the expected outcomes and key
              someone else’s business.             activities under each Strategic Goal of  National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                   the NAPFL.
              In addition, CSOs and community-based
              organisations, research institutions, the  It should be emphasized, that
              media, youth organisations and others
              play an important role in reaching out to  this is an overall results
              workers, communities, young people,  framework and the key activities
              and the public. Their roles also include  will be adjusted to suit different
              analysing and understanding forced   organisations in various parts
              labour and disseminating knowledge
              and information and fostering dialogue  of the country and more
              to provide their own knowledge and   consultations towards this end
              expertise in policy formulation and legal  may be held nationally and in
                                                   Sabah and Sarawak.

              It is also important to underline,   Therefore, the matrix does not contain
              that the NAPFL activities and        specific timelines and implementing
                                                   agencies for each activity. The timelines
              outputs are formulated in a          and responsible agencies in matrix 1
              broad, general way to allow for      related to the outcomes are meant to
              adaptation in the context of         guide the implementation of activities.
              Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and       The  timelines  indicate  when  the
                                                   outcomes are targeted for realisation
              Sarawak, respectively.               and the responsible agencies indicate
                                                   core agencies that are expected to
                                                   implement activities but the list is non-
                                                   exhaustive and can be adjusted during
              Thus, the NAPFL is not a blueprint for  planning and implementation.
              implementation. Rather, it is an overall
              framework     for     results-based
              implementation,  within  the  given  The  Results  Framework  Matrix  is
              context in a particular part of the  supplemented by a separate Monitoring
              country, and by different organisations  and  Evaluation  (M&E)  Framework
              that are expected to integrate the NAPFL  contained in Annex 2. The matrix was
              provisions into their organisational plans  developed based on a general Theory of
              and activities.                      Change (TOC) that is summarised in the
                                                   next figure:
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