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                                                       forced labour, if it goes ‘under the radar’.

                  4.5 Programme                        Moreover, misconceptions about forced
                                                       labour (e.g., confusing victims with
                  Areas                                illegal aliens) may influence public
                                                       perceptions and make forced labour
                                                       harder to eradicate.
                  Each of the four Strategic
                  Goals corresponds to a               pre-condition    for     improved

                  programme area under the             understanding and an open, productive
                  NAPFL. Each Programme                misunderstandings  and   facilitate
                  Area will cover interventions        effective action is robust data collection
                                                       and information dissemination.
                  at tackling root causes and
                  drivers of forced labour in
                  Malaysia.                            Therefore, the NAPFL
                                                       prioritises creating solid
                                                       understanding and open
                  The Programme Area under Strategic   dialogue about forced
                  Goal 1 focuses on increasing awareness
                  and understanding of forced labour,  labour, as a pre-condition for
                  both among individuals who are at    further action.
                  increased risk, among duty bearers and
                  in the general public. 10  Understanding
                  forced labour and conducting evidence-
                  based discussions on forced labour is
                  seen as an essential strategy to prevent  Therefore, the interventions will also
                  and mitigate forced labour.          include data collection, analysis, and
                                                       dissemination. The backbone of the
                                                       NAPFL data strategy is the creation of a
                                                       database in the MOHR that will collate
                  If forced labour is a poorly understood
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  able to protect themselves; families and  sectors and organisations.
                                                       data and information about forced
                  and under-recognised issue, those who
                                                       labour from multiple sources, across
                  may become victims are less likely to be
                  communities are less likely to be able to
                  protect their members; and duty bearers
                  are less likely to identify and address

                  10 General public in this context means any person or group that
                  may have an impact on forced labour directly or indirectly, and
                  includes broad groups like ‘youth’, ‘consumers’ etc. More specific
                  definitions will be applied when activities are implemented
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