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P. 73

Online system and database

               136.   MOHR working with other stakeholders, through a subcommittee governance
               structure, are to develop a module for the FDW process to be integrated into the online
               application and approval system and database.

               137.   All the FDW processes should be undertaken online, to reduce and even eliminate the
               need for the services of employment agencies in the source country and in Malaysia.

               138.   The  online  FDW  module  must  have  similar  capability  (like  for  other  PLKS  workers)
               to issue standard digitalized ID cards specific to FDWs, including virtual Smart online IDs
               sourced from the biometric information and the unique ID number for each FDWs stored in
               the online database. All enforcement officers must give recognition to this FDW Smart ID
               card. Enforcement authorities must no longer demand sight of hardcopy IDs like passports
               which absence currently constitutes an offence.

               Enforcement actions

               139.   MOHR will lead in managing the FDW process in coordination with JIM. MOHR
               will develop enforcement actions  involving coordination between JTK  and JIM to  ensure that
               employers comply with Malaysian employment and other applicable laws, regulations,
               guidelines and good practices. The FDW subcommittee will prepare periodic reports on
               evolution  in  the  FDW  space  and  follow  up  on  problems  that  may  occasionally  arise.  For  this
               purpose, JIM and MOHR must have a formal mechanism to engage with civil society
               organizations and other interested parties involved in safeguarding the welfare and wellbeing
               of household workers, including FDWs.

               140.   The FDW subcommittee will manage enforcement and evaluation actions to confirm
               compliance of the employers with the employment, the Domestic Workers Act when enacted
               and other applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and good practices.

               Complaints mechanism

               141.   The FDW subcommittee will seek to develop a user friendly accessible complaints
               mechanism for FDWs where their confidentiality will be safeguarded. They will prepare
               quarterly reports on issues and shortcomings raised affecting FDWs as well as the mitigating
               policies taken and envisaged. These reports will be disseminated to the general public.

                 Policy Recommendations for managing foreign domestic workers
                 1.     A Domestic Workers Act should be enacted. Pending this Act, MOHR to amend
                        Employment Act to ensure that domestic workers and FDWs in particular are
                        reasonably fully and equally covered as for other occupations. Malaysia should
                        accede to ILO Convention 189
                 2.     MOHR should aim to have MOUs with all source countries for FDW
                 3.     The FDW subcommittee should develop the FDW online system to be integrated to
                        the NFWMS with capability to issues Smart IDs for FDWs
                 4.     The FDW subcommittee should develop enforcement mechanisms and also a
                        complaints mechanism for the workers.

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