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dispute with the employers;  the  need to  obtain  a Special  Pass  to  pursue claims  in  the Labour
              Court or Civil Courts; inability to transfer employment in the event of dispute etc.).

              10.     Therefore  it  is  imperative  that  the  administrative  and  legal  framework  governing
              foreign workers be reformed to remove the various obstacles that are barriers to FWs
              accessing justice in Malaysia’s administrative and legal system.

              11.     Therefore the Independent Committee recommends as follows:-

                   1.   That  the Labour  Department  of  MOHR be  authorised to determine whether  a Foreign
                      Worker be allowed to continue to reside and/or to transfer employment in the event of
                      a dispute between the foreign worker and the employer and /or related party to the
                   2.   An appellate process be provided for the affected foreign worker in the event of an
                      adverse decision by the Labour Department of MOHR.
                   3.   The decision of the Labour Department of MOHR should be implemented by Jabatan
                      Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) and JIM should issue the relevant Visa to the affected
                      foreign worker.
                   4.   No employer shall terminate a work permit without the approval from the Labour
                      Department. Any purported termination done without such approvals shall be

              12.  The  Independent  Committee  recommends  the  Legal  Aid  Bureau  (Biro  Bantuan
              Guaman) and the Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK) schemes be made
              available to foreign workers. The opening of these schemes to FWs will help them to access
              justice in the administrative and legal system available in Malaysia

              6.7     Other issues

              Applicable Laws

              13.     In Peninsular Malaysia, matters about the terms and conditions of work of FWs are
              regulated by the Employment Act 1955 and the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1952, under
              the administrative jurisdiction of the Labour Department (the equivalent processes applies
              under Sarawak and Sabah ordinances). Issues regarding relations between employers and
              foreign workers are covered by the Industrial Relations Act 1967, while labour unions are
              regulated by the Trade Unions Act 1959. These laws are all overseen and implemented by the
              Ministry of Human Resources.

              Foreign workers right to hold office in trade unions

              14.     Although the Trade Unions Act 1959 provides that a foreign worker can be a member
              of  a  trade  union,  under  the  law  he/she  is  prohibited  from  holding  an  executive  position  in
              trade unions. This prohibition is discriminatory and is in contravention of labour rights.

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