Page 23 - Microsoft Word - MoHR-ISP-D4-Final ISP-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-v1.0
P. 23

                 ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018

                 4.7   MoHR ROLES

                 There are eight (8) MoHR key roles as described below:
                 1     Labour Market Analysis

                       Analyse  the  labour  market  to  create  new  forms  and  job

                       opportunities for the workforce while maintaining existing jobs.

                 2       Implementers and enforcers

                         KSM  should  act  as  implementers  and  regulators  to  ensure
                         workers'  rights  are  always  protected  without  compromising
                 the  interests  and  competitiveness  of  employers  and  at  the  same  time

                 ensure a conducive industrial relations and harmony.

                 3     Social Safety Net Providers

                       Ensuring the workers are always protected and values of a caring
                       society in the industrial community.

                 4       Unifier of various Parties

                         MoHR  consists  of  various  departments  and  agencies  together
                         under  a  determination  to  ensure  the  effective  and  efficient

                 services to its customers.

                 5      Facilitate Industrial Relations

                        Implement best practices to make MoHR as a role model and to

                        be followed by the community and industry to create a conducive
                 working environment, harmonious and productive.

                 6       Lead Management and Human Capital Development

                         MoHR shall increase its effort to explore the future and shall be

                         the agent of change.

            ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0

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