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 No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes  Activities  Timeline/Target year of  No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes  Activities  Timeline/Target year of
 achievement of                                                       achievement of
 outcome                                                              outcome

 Train labour inspectors on labour              Conduct tailored training
 trafficking, forced labour and child           (workshops, e-learning courses or
 labour issues e.g.:                            similar as appropriate) sessions on
                                                forced labour legislation, inspection
 a) Compliance of labour standards;             and prosecution for Police Officers
                                                and the judiciary.
 b) The Fundamental Principles and                                                         National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
 Rights at Work; and
 c) Conducting gender and child
 responsive labour inspection.     2.5 Employers have  Conduct training and outreach  2023
 (NAPTIP)                          increased capacity  activities with employers
                                   for compliance with  organisations and business
                                   forced labour  representatives, with the
                                   legislation, and on  involvement of government, trade
                                   labour protection of  union and CSO representatives.
                                   all workers, including
 Develop government strategy to    migrant workers
 institutionalize trainings on forced
 labour.                                        Develop internal complaints
                                                mechanisms in companies that are
 2.4. The Labour  Increase the number and resources  2024  transparent, accessible, zero
 Inspectorate and  of labour inspectors as well to reach  retaliation and provides access to
 other relevant  the ideal number of inspectors per  remedy and referral mechanism to
 authorities have  number of workers according to ILO  relevant parties.
 increased capacity to  benchmarking and
 enforce legislation  recommendations.
 and advice on forced                           Employers develop written policy/
 labour, and on labour                          code of practice/ action plans to
 protection of all                              prevent and address forced labour,
 workers, including  Develop joint inspection systems  including (but not limited to)
 migrant workers  and procedures that allow different
 law enforcement arms to coordinate             appointing human rights focal
 and undertake joint inspections in             points in their HR departments.
 workplaces, with primary objective
 of assessing presence of forced
 labour indicators.
                                                Employers include reporting on
                                                mandatory human rights due
                                                diligence in company disclosures.
 Establish a database on companies              Support SMES in developing
 that were sanctioned for forced                genuine and effective grievance
 labour offences.                               mechanisms that comply with
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  Strengthen requirements for  make MSPO certification mandatory.
                                                international good practices and
                                                human rights standards.
 Conduct regular compliance audit
 on the approved recruitment
                                                Implement MSPO nationwide to
 employment agencies’ certification,
 and/or official registration based on
                                                Explore opportunities in
 clear commitment and verified
                                                harmonising decision making
 practices of ethical recruitment and
                                                process about whether an individual
                                                is a potential TIP victims or related
                                                forms of exploitation (for example:
                                                victims of slavery, servitude and
                                                forced labour or services). (NAPTIP)
 Conduct tailored training
 (workshops, e-learning courses or
 similar as appropriate) sessions on
 forced labour legislation, inspection
 and prosecution for Labour Officers.
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