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                   No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes     Activities            Timeline/Target year of                  No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes     Activities           Timeline/Target year of
                                                                          achievement of                                                                                 achievement of
                                                                          outcome                                                                                        outcome

                                       2.2. Relevant  Ratify ILO Forced Labour Protocol of  2022                                                    Organise knowledge sharing
                                       international  2014.                                                                                         session on the interpretation and
                                       instruments ratified                                                                                         application of the ATIPSOM Act and
                                                                                                                                                    its new Amendments. (NAPTIP)
                                                    Review possibility of re-ratifying the
                                                    ILO Abolition of Forced Labour                                                                                                             National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                                                                                                                    Organise training for Investigating
                                                                                                                                                    Officers (IOs) and Deputy Public
                                                    Review and consider ratification of                                                             Prosecutors (DPPs). (NAPTIP)
                                                    relevant ILO convention such as,
                                                    1) C87 - freedom of association,
                                                    right to organise and collective                                                                Hold conference between
                                                    bargaining;                                                                                     enforcement agencies and
                                                    2) C189 - domestic workers; and                                                                 prosecution. (NAPTIP)
                                                    3) C190 - violence and harassment                                                               Hold conference between judges
                                                    at the workplace.                                                                               and prosecutors. (NAPTIP)

                                                                                                                                                    Pursue cross border collaboration
                                                                                                                                                    with foreign law enforcement to
                                                    Review and consider ratification of                                                             investigate or prosecute
                                                    other human rights instruments,                                                                 perpetrators in country of origin
                                                    such as International Convention on                                                             while prosecuting those in Malaysia.
                                                    the Protection of the Rights of All                                                             (NAPTIP)
                                                    Migrant Workers and Members of
                                                    Their Families.
                                                                                                                                                    Conduct capacity building for
                                                                                                                                                    enforcement officers in
                                                                                                                                                    collaboration with relevant local and
                                       2.3. Specialised ATIP  Conduct periodic labour inspection,  As per NAPTIP                                    international agencies to increase
                                       unit empowered at  including unannounced inspections,                                                        understanding of ATIPSOM Act and
                                       the federal level and  at the workplaces, particularly in                                                    on the National Guidelines on
                                       state level in all the  areas where labour trafficking and                                                   Human Trafficking Indicators
                                       enforcement  child trafficking are known to occur                                                            (NGHTI) to identify victim of
                                       agencies (NAPTIP)  and assess the risk of forced labour                                                      trafficking in persons in line with
                                                    in companies’ operation and supply                                                              international standards. (NAPTIP)
                                                    chains, and include checking of
                                                    work permit renewals. (NAPTIP)
                                                                                                                                                    Organise local and foreign
                                                                                                                                                    specialised trainings for IOs
           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  officials to develop and                                                              a) Victim-centred response; and
                                                                                                                                                    especially those in the specialised
                                                                                                                                                    ATIP unit in collaboration with CSOs
                                                                                                                                                    on topics such as:
                                                    Conduct needs assessments for
                                                    prosecution agencies and judiciary
                                                    institutionalise specialised training
                                                                                                                                                    b) Trauma-informed approach.
                                                    (using ILKAP-ILO Training on forced
                                                    labour for Judges, Prosecutors and
                                                    Legal Aid Practitioners)/sharing best
                                                    practices programme on TIP.
                                                    Re-train judges, prosecutors and
                                                    legal aid practitioners on indicators
                                                    of forced labour and trafficking
                                                    including mental and psychological
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