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 No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes  Activities  Timeline/Target year of  No  Strategic Goal  Outcomes  Activities  Timeline/Target year of
 achievement of                                                       achievement of
 outcome                                                              outcome

 2.6. Strengthen trade  Conduct training and outreach  2023  Consult relevant stakeholders in
 union capacity and  activities with workers’   preparing for negotiations and
 inclusivity to organise  representatives.      review of bilateral agreements/
 workers, particularly                          MOUs with source countries.
 migrant workers into  Trade unions provide assistance to  (NAPTIP)
 trade union  potential victims of forced labour in                                        National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
 members, especially  submitting their complaints, and
 in high-risk sectors.  also in tripartite dialogues with  Liaise with other governments by
 workers and government.                        actively participating in regional/
                                                international forums/platforms.
 Trade unions organise more
 migrant workers to join especially in          Negotiate new or review existing
 high-risk sectors such as domestic             bilateral agreements/MOUs with all
 work.                                          source countries and ensure the full
                                                and effective implementation to
                                                prevent women and men migrant
 Increase penalties for employers               workers from being trafficked into
 and employment agencies                        the country and exploited, when
 prohibiting workers from joining               necessary .(NAPTIP)
 trade unions, and strengthened
 enforcement of the Trade Unions
 and Industrial Relations Acts.
                                                Increase transparency and public
                                                access to bilateral agreements and
 2.7. Reporting of  Develop programme for whistle  2025  MOUs, and the provisions that
 forced labour from  blowers, informers and human  protect migrant workers from
 the public  rights defenders as means to get   forced labour, regulating
 encouraged  information on forced labour       recruitment agencies, awareness
 including establishing special funds           raising to potential migrant workers
 for informers whose identity                   as well as source countries’
 remains confidential, and to verify            responsibility in providing clear
 information received from these                guidelines to prevent illegal
 parties.                                       payments or other payments by the
                                                workers in their country.

 3  By 2025, migration  3.1. Recruitment  Make application criteria, timelines  2022, 2025
 management, including  systems and  and procedures for recruitment of  Develop guidelines for approved
 recruitment practices,  practices for non-  documented migrant workers more  recruitment agencies to follow for
 will be strengthened
 Malaysian migrant
 transparent, and publish in MOHR
                                                more transparency in recruitment
 National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)  coordinated by the  Develop clear national definitions of  to disseminate information to the
 workers are
                                                process .(NAPTIP)
                                                Collaborate with sending countries
 (Implementation to be
 recruitment fee and associated
                                                respective parties which includes
 Technical Committee
 costs including illegal payments,
                                                the recruitment agencies. (NAPTIP)
 on Labour Migration)
 identifying employers’
 responsibilities, and publish in
 MOHR website.
                                                Conduct engagement sessions with
                                                recruitment agency staff on national
 Provide clear guidelines for cost
                                                trafficking in persons and labour
 remediation of recruitment fees
                                                laws. (NAPTIP)
 paid by workers, and publish in
 MOHR website.
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