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              1.3 Existing                         The National Action Plan on Anti-
                                                   Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) 2021-
              National Response                    25 is the third NAPTIP and was
                                                   developed by multiple government
                                                   agencies under the leadership of the
              This NAPFL builds upon and           Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA).
                                                   NAPTIP Strategic Goal 5 intends to
              seeks to complement other            combat “labour trafficking and child    National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
              national responses. The              trafficking including relevant provisions
                                                   of forced labour and child labour”. This
              NAPFL was developed                  goal will be achieved through realising
              through a consultative               the following three objectives:
              process that involved
              bringing together a wide               To strengthen legislation and
              group of stakeholders to               regulatory frameworks that address
              develop the framework for              trafficking for labour and child
              this NAPFL.                            exploitation.

                                                     To strengthen relevant labour
                                                     migration and domestic work
              The NAPFL aligns with at least         legislation and policies to prevent TIP.
              three other major NAPs in
              Malaysia: The NAPTIP, the
              NAP on Business and Human              To continuously improve anti-TIP
                                                     responses targeted at combating
              Rights (NAP BHR) and the               labour trafficking and child
              NAP on Elimination of Child            trafficking in all sectors, particularly
              Labour (NAP CL). Both NAP              in the supply chains of goods and
              BHR and NAP CL are currently
              under development.
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