P. 23


              1.2 Situation                        Forced labour complaints (2020-21)
              Analysis                             in Peninsular Malaysia

                                                    Years                2020  2021
              The 2019 Background Study

              for this NAPFL found that             Complaints received  6     7           National Action Plan on Forced Labour (2021-2025)
                                                    under ATIPSOM
              there is limited data and
              evidence on forced labour in          Investigation paper /  4   3
              Malaysia and that most of             Others*              2     4
              the publicly available
              evidence is investigative                                      Source: JTKSM
              journalism and sector-               * proceed to investigate under Employment Act 1955; and
                                                   referred cases to other agencies (cases not related under
              specific studies.
                                                   As forced labour is a criminal activity in
                                                   Malaysia, as in most other countries, it
              Palm oil appears to be the           takes place “beneath the radar” and
              most well-described sector           associated with the informal economy,
              and though the full extent of        which is also associated with non-
                                                   payment of taxes and other issues that
              forced labour is not known,          may  impede   national  social  and
              the palm oil sector, at              economic development. Forced labour is
              national level, has taken            also often associated with vulnerable
                                                   groups whose labour rights are not
              significant steps towards            protected by existing legal frameworks,
              eradicating forced labour,           including (but not limited to) the
                                                   undocumented migrant workers and
              according to the background          refugees, stateless and asylum-seekers
              study. Despite the scarcity of       who are not allowed to work legally in
                                                   the country. Undocumented persons
              data, the background study           comprise of primarily informal migrant
              provided a picture of forced         workers  (e.g.,  workers  who  have
              labour in Malaysia.                  overstayed  their  permits  or  are
                                                   otherwise unregistered as migrant
                                                   workers) and their dependants.
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