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skilled and those with low skills. The skill levels of construction workers are determined by
              the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and regulated by them accordingly.

              10.     The DRC and the associated tier levels were discussed and agreed upon with all
              stakeholders in consultations undertaken throughout 2017 and 2018 during the design stages
              and before the adoption of the MTLS. The DRC sets absolute limits in the employment of
              foreign workers within each firm and in effect for each of the approved sectors. This absolute
              limit is  not permanent and has in-built flexibility. At any  time, if a  firm is at its absolute quota
              limit,  it  will be able  to hire  additional foreign  workers so  long  as it adds  additional  Malaysian
              workers to its payroll.

              The Multi-Tier Levy

              11.     The multi-tier DRCs agreed with stakeholders will determine the levy to be paid by
              each  employer for  each  foreign  worker taken  into  the firm’s  payroll.  A  separate amount  of  the
              levy to be paid has been determined for each tier of the DRC quota. Except for the
              manufacturing and construction sectors, in general there will thus be three tiers of levy
              associated with the DRC quota. The manufacturing sector has four tiers. The construction
              sector has a variation of the levy depending on the skill level of the worker at each DRC
              quota level. The amount of this multi-level levy is also shown in Tables 1 to 3 alongside the
              DRC to be applied for each tier.

              12.     Within  the MTLS,  the formula  for calculating  the levy  was also  derived as  follows:

                                                  Foreign                        Contribution of
                    Levy Rate                    Workers                       Employer’s Share
                                                  Median                        of Worker Safety
                                                   Wage                            Net Outlays

              However, during the discussions with stakeholders it was agreed that the MTLS will be
              initiated using the current  level of levies.  There will be two base  levies. One at RM640 a year
              per foreign worker in the agriculture and plantation sectors and another at RM1,850 for the
              other approved sectors. The construction sector will have a variation with a RM2,000 base
              levy to be applied to an unskilled foreign worker.

              The change  to the base  levy when the  DRC quota thresholds are  exceeded will trigger  a
              higher level of levy to be paid by employers for each current  or each additional foreign
              worker. These different levy levels were also discussed and agreed with stakeholders during
              the consultations with industry. A transition period for application of the MTLS will be
              agreed upon.

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