Page 100 - BPAReport
P. 100


              Summary of the Multi-Tier Levy System

              1.      The Multi-Tier Levy System (MTLS) will be applied in the six approved economic
              sectors and subsectors in which foreign workers may be employed. These are the economic
              sectors covering: Agriculture, Plantation, Manufacturing, Mining & Quarrying, Construction
              and Services. For the Services sector, based on current policies, only the sub-sectors set out in
              Box A are authorized to employ foreign workers.

              Box A: Approved Subsectors within the Services Sector

                      Retail & Wholesale Trades*
                      Cleaning and Sanitation
                      Cargo Handling (Ports , Airports & Warehouses *)
                      Metal, Scrap and Used Items Trades*
                      Textile Trades*
                      Welfare Homes*
                      Theme Parks
                      Resort Islands
                      Golf Caddies (only men allowed)

                * Denotes that as at January 2019 this services subsector is frozen for new admissions of

                foreign workers

              2.      A Cabinet Committee decision in February 2017 directed MOHR to develop the
              MTLS.  The application  of the  MTLS  was also  contemplated in Strategy  8: Labour Market of
              the 11th Malaysia Plan.

              Objectives of the Multi-Tier Levy System

              3.      The overall objective is to create a better system for reducing reliance on and
              regulating the amount of foreign workers employed in Malaysia. For this purpose, a new
              mechanism  which  combines the  utilization  of a  quantitative  method  as  well  as a  pricing
              structure to regulate and manage the employment of foreign workers would need to be

              Main elements of MTLS

              4.      MOHR has studied and benchmarked the experience of several countries operating a
              foreign workers management system (Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan

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