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VII.   The Foreign Spouses System

              19.     Approval for the employment of foreign spouses will be vested in MOHR. The
              approval process will be incorporated into a segment of the online application and approval
              system. The online system will cater for both foreign spouses of Malaysians and foreign
              spouses of expatriates. The online system will include a statutory declaration attesting that the
              official documentation of marriage has been registered with the relevant Malaysian
              authorities and meet the conditions and requirements for employment application. These
              conditions and requirement will be provided in the online system.

              20.     The approval for employment will be provided by the online system within the
              process  duration  period  establish.  Upon  approval  with  a  unique  identifier  the  online  system
              will notify the Immigration Department. The approval for employment will be open ended
              and will not be linked to the validity of the LTSVP or Expatriate Spouse Employment Pass.

              21.     A foreign spouse must record any change in status through the online system. For
              LTSVP  this involves  a  change in status to widow or  divorcee that meets the conditions and
              requirements for continued employment. For a foreign spouse of expatriates, a change in
              status  to  widow  or  divorcee  will  result  in  the  employment  approval  becoming  invalid. In  any
              case, the employment approval will become invalid if the change in status involves the
              foreign spouse leaving Malaysia permanently.

              22.     In the future, upon meeting all the conditions and requirements as established for
              residing in Malaysia, the Immigration Department is to issue a LTSVP or the Expatriate
              Spouse Employment Pass only with the following endorsements: “Employment Permitted
              Upon Official  Authorization”  The duration  and renewal  of  these residential  permits will
              follow the established guidelines. The LTSVP is to be in digital form and issued on line.

              23.     The online foreign spouse module will have the capability to issue standard
              digitalized  ID  cards  specific  to a  foreign spouse,  including  virtual  Smart  online  IDs  sourced
              from biometric information and the registered foreign spouse unique ID number stored in the
              online database. All enforcement officers must give recognition to this foreign spouse Smart
              ID card. Enforcement authorities must no longer demand sight of hardcopy IDs like passports
              whose absence currently constitute an offense.

                      VIII.  The Foreign Internship System

              24.     MOHR  working  with  the  current  agencies  involved  and  MOHA  through  a
              subcommittee will manage the foreign internships program. A module will be designed for
              management of foreign interns to be integrated into the single online application and approval
              system. Information from the foreign intern module will feed into the central database of the

              25.     With the online system the SOP of all agencies with oversight and regulatory roles
              will  be  standardised.  An  algorithm  for  approval,  including  the  use  of  a  dependency  ratio
              quota mechanism (similar to the PLKS worker multi-tier levy system) will be developed and
              built into the module to remove as much as possible discretion in the decision making process

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