Page 97 - BPAReport
P. 97

11.     The various employment passes to be issued to expatriates will be in a digital form
              and transmitted online. The renewal, extension and repatriation processes of the employment
              passes will also be undertaken online.

              12.     The online expatriate module will have the capability to issue a standard digitalized
              ID card specific for expatriates, including virtual Smart online IDs sourced from biometric
              information  and  the  unique ID  number  for  each  expatriate  stored  in  the online  database.  All
              enforcement officers must give recognition to this expatriate Smart ID cards. Enforcement
              authorities must no longer demand sight of hardcopy IDs like passports whose absence
              currently constitute an offense.

                      V.     The Foreign Domestic Worker System

              13.     MOHR and other stakeholders, through a subcommittee governance structure, are to
              develop a module  for the Foreign Domestic  Worker (FDW)  process to  be integrated  into the
              online application and approval system and database.

              14.     All the FDW processes should be undertaken on line, to reduce and even eliminate the
              need for the services of employment agencies in the source country and in Malaysia.

              15.     The online FDW module must have similar capability  (like for  other PLKS workers)
              to issue standard digitalized ID cards specific to FDWs, including virtual Smart online IDs
              sourced from the biometric information and the unique ID number for each FDWs stored in
              the online database. All enforcement officers must give recognition to this FDW Smart ID
              card. Enforcement authorities must no longer demand sight of hardcopy IDs like passports
              whose absence currently constitutes an offense.

                      VI.    The Refugees System

              16.     MOHR  working  in  coordination  with  JIM,  UNHCR  and  other  concerned  stakeholders
              in  refugees  matter, through  a  subcommittee  governance  structure,  are to develop  a module for
              incorporating the right to work process of identified refugees into the online application and
              approval system and database.

              17.     The online refugee module will have links to UNHCR and must have the capability to
              issue  standard  digitalized  ID cards  specific  to registered  refugees,  including  virtual Smart
              online IDs sourced from biometric information and the UNHCR registered refugee unique ID
              number stored in the online database. All enforcement officers must give recognition to this
              refugee Smart ID cards. Enforcement authorities must no longer demand sight of hardcopy
              IDs like passports whose absence currently constitutes an offense.

              18. Employers must accept the refugee Smart ID card, following verification, as
              equivalent to a foreign worker employment pass to allow the refugee to be formally
              employed. Refugees in possession of this Smart ID card may work in any occupation and
              sector for which they are qualified or may be offered a job position, in accordance with the
              Malaysian employment and other applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and good practices.

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