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best placed to take on this role as it already has the mandate for determining the labour
              market needs of the economy. MOHR also has the responsibility for the oversight and
              enforcement of industry’s compliance with the employment laws of Malaysia and
              consistency with international norms and practices.

              7.      The   Independent   Committee    recommends    that   the   NFWMS      prioritise  the
              development of an integrated end-to-end single online system to administer all aspects of
              foreign workers management. This online system  will remove  the inefficiencies  and
              unnecessary processes  stemming from the current mix of  manual, face-to-face, multiple
              electronic and discretionary procedures. More importantly, the integration and digitalization
              of currently outsourced processes and procedures will remove all forms of corruption, rent
              seeking, monopoly and market capture from preferential appointment of service providers. It
              will also reduce the incidences of cascading and unnecessary increases in fees and charges.

              8.      The Independent Committee recommends that sufficient financial and human
              resources be provided to MOHR and involved agencies to implement this single online
              system, starting with the PLKS worker component module. The new system  should build
              upon functioning segments of the existing system. All current  concession contracts with
              outsourced service providers for foreign workers management should be terminated.

              9.      The Independent Committee endorses the Multi-Tier Levy System as the centrepiece
              mechanism of the PLKS worker online application and approval system. The dependency
              ratio formula  embedded  in  the  multi-tier  mechanism and the  online  decision algorithm will
              eliminate discretion and delays in the approval process. This automatic decision process will
              eliminate the need for the one-stop-centre manual and discretionary processes.

              10.     All pre-arrival, post arrival and repatriation procedures will be undertaken online. The
              findings of mandatory processes like health checks, etc. and identity verification protocols
              like biometrics, etc. and other requirements will be digitalized in a single standard format
              platform and uploaded into the centralized data warehouse of the NFWMS. This database
              will be managed by MOHR; and all agencies that have a role in regulating  foreign workers
              will  be  given  access  to this  database.  The  real  time  database  will  have the  capability  for
              generating a variety of management indicators on a timely basis for the monitoring of all
              types of foreign workers.

              11.     The amount of levy to be paid will be determined by the Multi-Tier Levy system and
              payments are to be  made through  online banking arrangements. Levy must  be  paid online
              directly to a Treasury account and confirmed by the system upon which the PLKS or
              employment pass is issued or renewed. An option for quarterly payments of  the levy will be

              12.     All employers must make an online standardised statutory declaration that they
              comply with all Malaysian employment and other applicable laws, regulations, guidelines
              and international norms pertinent to foreign workers.

              13.     The PLKS to be issued to the foreign worker and other forms of employment passes
              will be in digital form and linked to a Smart ID to be generated for each foreign worker.
              Enforcement agencies must accept the Smart ID for identification purposes and not demand
              paper passports at check points.

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