Page 10 - BPAReport
P. 10


               1.     The  recommendations  of the  Independent Committee  support the Government’s
               intention  to  effectively  manage  the  admission  and  repatriation  of  foreign  workers  whilst
               reducing the dependence on them without harming the economic growth objectives and the
               well-being of Malaysian citizens. The availability of a comprehensive foreign workers
               database to monitor and track foreign workers will help to reduce the presence of
               undocumented workers. The creation of an appropriate environment and ecosystem for the
               deployment of foreign workers will facilitate employers to abide by the employment norms
               for the protection of the workers and to safeguard Malaysia’s international reputation on the
               treatment of migrant workers.

               2.     The  presence of  foreign workers has  brought  and  will continue  to  bring  economic
               benefits for the growth and sustained development of Malaysia. Notwithstanding the need for
               foreign workers, the collection of current policies on employment of foreign workers is an
               accumulation of a succession of measures, sometimes ad hoc, taken in response to the
               demands of industry. As a consequence, the policies  lack a proper framework and a
               comprehensive strategy for the effective management of foreign workers. Moreover, in the
               absence of a central agency with overall responsibility and authority, these disparate policies
               have seldom been evaluated for continued relevance or effectiveness.

               3.     The Independent Committee has deliberated on the feedback and criticisms from
               industry,  civil  society and  other  stakeholders on  the  shortcomings  and  embedded  corrupt
               practices in the current policies and procedures pertaining to the engaging of foreign workers.
               They portray a foreign worker management system that is in disarray and dysfunctional.
               More   alarmingly,  the   Committee    has   detected  unethical  practices,  collusion  and
               transgressions in the procurement of service providers for  procedures essential for an
               effective foreign worker management system. The widespread rent seeking, money-making
               and captive preferences have inflated the operational and developmental costs to the
               Government, employers and foreign workers.

               4.     The Independent Committee notes that the discretionary powers granted for special
               approvals and the arbitrary decisions made on the determination of the quantity of foreign
               workers needed are the major complaints by employers and industry. These procedures are
               also perceived to have led to concealed corrupt practices, misdeeds and breaches of trust.

               5.     The Government needs to reform in a comprehensive manner the policies pertaining
               to the recruitment, employment and monitoring of foreign workers. There must also be more
               effective policies for the handling of undocumented foreign workers. Whilst the two largest
               groups of foreign workers are the documented low skilled and the undocumented workers,
               the Government must  also  specifically address  foreign domestic household  workers,
               expatriates,  the  right  to  work  of  refugees,  foreign  spouses  of  Malaysian  citizens  and stateless
               persons consistent with international obligations and human rights.

               6.     A single government entity is needed and charged with implementing a coherent set
               of policies within a strategic framework for the effective management of foreign workers.
               The Independent Committee recommends that the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) be
               this single authority responsible for formulating the policies and implementing them
               effectively within the National Foreign Workers Management System (NFWMS). MOHR is

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