Page 12 - BPAReport
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14.     A committee chaired by MOHR will manage the enforcement actions to safeguard the
              integrity of the NFWMS. It will comprise all agencies with roles in regulating foreign
              workers. The subcommittee will also engage with state and local authorities who have  a role
              in safeguarding the welfare, health and safety aspects of foreign workers. A primary objective
              of enforcement activities is to understand the root causes for the existence of undocumented
              workers and strive to reduce their numbers.

              15.     The Independent Committee is strongly against the use of PLKS workers for
              businesses that outsource labour. However, the Independent Committee  recognises that firms
              that are engaged in the businesses involved in outsourced service functions are legitimate and
              should be permitted to employ PLKS workers on their payroll.

              16.     The Independent Committee recommends that the maximum length of continuous
              stay of a PLKS worker should not exceed 10 years. A PLKS worker can be reemployed after
              the return to the source country for a period of 3 months; and can be reemployed for a further
              maximum period of 10 years subject to the age restriction for re-commencement of
              employment. Levy payments will follow the multi-tier levy system. The current policy which
              allows for an additional 3 year stay with a higher levy rate should be discarded.

              17.     The Independent Committee recommends that the policy over the past few years to
              freeze the hiring of foreign workers in selected subsectors of services should be abrogated
              immediately. Instead the hiring of foreign workers in these subsectors should immediately be

              18.     The Independent Committee welcomes the recent Government measures to grant
              access of foreign workers to SOSCO for work accidents coverage and for the initiative to
              enact new legislation to improve their accommodation facilities. The Committee recommends
              that consideration also be given for further improvements in the health and accident coverage,
              outside of the work context.

              19.     The Independent Committee recommends that it be mandatory that all foreign
              workers and  employers of  foreign  workers  contribute to the  Employees  Provident  Fund  (EPF)
              and that contributions by foreign workers and employers be the same as paid by local
              workers and employers for local workers. This would be a better proposal than the deduction
              of 20% of wages of foreign workers contemplated by Government, which should be
              discarded. Arrangements for participation of foreign workers in the Employment Insurance
              Scheme (EIS) should be considered. These actions will further equalise the workers’ safety
              net provisions with Malaysian workers so as to be consistent with international norms.

              20.     A  PLKS  and  other  foreign  worker  complaints  mechanism  should  be  established.  This
              mechanism  must  be  accessible  to all  foreign  workers  and  confidentiality must  be  strictly
              assured. A foreign worker seeking redress for any grievance relating to employment must be
              given the time and opportunity to complete the established process and not be forcefully

              21.     The Independent Committee recommends that MOUs to be negotiated or reviewed
              with source countries should have standardised core coverage and definitions. It is important
              that all stages of the process and the associated charges and fees are covered and to state that

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