Page 41 - BPAReport
P. 41

Box 8: Stages for Processing Foreign Workers

                o      Initial Application for foreign workers
                                  JobsMalaysia & ePPAX - managed by Labour Department
                                  SPPA for workers from Bangladesh managed by MOHA (currently inoperative)

                o      Prior to arrival of foreign workers (not an exhaustive list)
                                  Immigration Security Clearance (ISC) – by S5 Biotech Sdn Bhd
                                  eBiomedical – by Bestinet Sdn Bhd
                                  Visa Luar Negara – by Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd
                                  One Stop Centre for VLN - by Omni Sarana Cipta and other vendors
                                  eVisa Dengan Rujukan - by Bestinet Sdn Bhd

                o      While in Malaysia
                                  Medical check up/screening - by FOMEMA Sdn Bhd
                                  SPIKPA – Medical Insurance

                o      Other selected processes:
                                  System related to Immigration matters - by MyIMMS
                                  Rehiring PATI - by MyEG Sdn Bhd, Bukti Megah Sdn Bhd, IMAN Resources
                                  Renewal of PLKS - by MyEG Sdn Bhd

               26.    Moreover, the current disparate mostly unconnected systems for management of
               foreign workers continue to combine manual processes (final quota approval in OSC,
               endorsement from Malaysian embassy) and online digital processes. The current approval
               process  is not  transparent and  subject  to  arbitrary  discretions  (including special ministerial
               approvals) while the established time for approval is not adhered to per the client charter.

               27.    The use of multiple service providers makes difficult the integration of management
               information for generating key indicators for monitoring. Multiple services providers also
               result in cascading  unnecessary cost  from charges and fees imposed on both foreign workers,
               employers and sometimes also the government.

               28.    The absence of an integrated single online system leads to gaps and inefficiency in
               managing a comprehensive control framework for foreign workers to facilitate effective
               supervision and regulation activities. An end-to-end single online system for capturing
               application, approval, recruitment, arrival, permit renewal, repatriation and absconding
               worker is needed. Without a more systemic and strategic approach, effective enforcement
               programs cannot be adequately designed and implemented.

               29.    There is  no  official agency  entrusted with reporting and disseminating  on  a regular
               basis the number and types of foreign workers present in Malaysia. Lack of reliable time
               series and timely information make the understanding and analysis of the trend in foreign
               worker evolution and their implications difficult and indistinct.

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