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5.1.1   Overall policy and a single government authority to manage foreign workers

              5.      The  Independent  Committee  recommends  that  the  Ministry  of  Human  Resources
              (MOHR) be the single authority responsible for formulating the policies within the
              strategic  framework  described  above  and  implementing  these  policies  effectively  within  the
              National  Foreign  Workers  Management  System  (NFWMS).  MOHR  is  best  placed  to  take  on
              this  role  as  its  mandate  already involves  expediting the labour  market  needs  of  the  economy
              and oversight of industry’s compliance with the employment laws of Malaysia and their
              alignment with international norms and practices.

              6.      To ensure there is no conflict with this mandate of MOHR, the earlier final decision
              authority  on  foreign  worker  management  matters  given  to  the  MOHA  Minister  under  JKKPA
              Ke-33 Bil. 2/2005 and other Government decisions on foreign worker management
              should be reviewed and may need to be formally repealed by the Cabinet to make the revised
              policies consistent with this single authority mandate of MOHR. Previous special approvals
              for  hiring  foreign  workers  would  also  need  to  be  repealed.  In  addition, the  Cabinet  may  need
              a new decision to expand the role of MOHR to include these strategic functions.

              5.1.2   Foreign Worker Management System Governance Structure

              7.      Within the governance structure of the NFWMS, MOHR will chair an Overall Policy
              Review and Monitoring Committee (OPRM) which will incorporate all supporting Ministries
              and Agencies that have roles in oversight of laws and regulations applicable to foreign
              workers. The OPRM’s principal task will be to manage the enforcement actions of the
              NFWMS and safeguard the overall integrity of the national foreign workers policy. The
              OPRM will be assisted by three subcommittees:
                  a)  the  Online    Integrated  Foreign   Worker   Management     Gateway    Subcommittee
                      (OIG), which will develop the end-to-end integrated single online system to
                      manage    foreign  workers:   with   modules   to   monitor   recruitment;  in-country
                      administration;  repatriation;  enforcement  and  populating  a   centralized  foreign
                      worker database.
                    b)  the PLKS6 Workers Management Subcommittee (PWM), which will oversee the
                      major component of the Online Gateway applied to PLKS workers. The PWM
                      will also be charged with overseeing the online modules and policies to manage
                      undocumented workers, the second largest contingent of foreign workers.
                    c)  the Other Foreign Workers Subcommittee (OFW), which will oversee the other
                      components of the online Gateway covering foreign domestic workers, expatriates,
                      foreign spouses, refugees, stateless persons and students/interns.

              8.      The OPRM will develop its own Terms of Reference (TORs) and those of the other
              subcommittees and deliberate on their associated annual work programs.

                PLKS = Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara (Temporary Visitor Employment Pass) is issued to an approved foreign worker
              and this Pass entitles the worker to be employed by a specified employer within a specified economic sector for a
              specified period of time. This Report refers to PLKS issued to foreign workers as PLKS workers and excludes PLKS
              issued to foreign domestic workers, which are addressed separately.

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