Page 51 - BPAReport
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Overall Policy Recommendations
                 1.     MOHR single authority to manage foreign worker system
                 2.     Governance Structure with three subcommittees
                 3.     Review and repeal previous approval authority and mandates on FWs management

              5.2     Single end-to-end integrated online modules of the NFWMS

              9.      The integrated online system will have separate modules covering PLKS workers,
              undocumented workers, foreign domestic workers, expatriates, foreign spouses, refugees,
              stateless persons and students/interns. The online PLKS worker system will be the largest
              component of the NFWMS (See Appendix IV for flow charts of the end-to-end online

              10.     All these online modules will  automatically feed  all relevant information and  data
              concerning foreign workers into a central database. This database will have the capability of
              generating “real time” Management reports “on demand” covering all aspects of development
              and evolution of foreign workers in Malaysia as well as the labour market information
              concerning foreign workers. This will allow a comprehensive monitoring of the contribution
              of foreign workers to the economy. The NFWMS should also consider instituting call center
              arrangements for stakeholders to seek clarifications and offer suggestions.

              11.     Urgent  attention  and  sufficient  financial  and  human  resources  must  be  allocated  to
              construct the single online foreign worker management system incorporating the required
              modules and linked to a centralised data warehouse accessible nationwide for management
              and monitoring foreign workers (starting with PLKS workers with extension progressively to
              cover  other  types  of  foreign  workers).  This  online  system  is  to  be  housed  in  and  managed  by

                 Overall Policy Recommendations for Single End-to-End Online System
                 1.     Management of NFWMS through a single online end-to-end integrated system with
                        several modules to cover all types of FWs, including undocumented workers
                 2.     Online modules will feed all information and data for FWs into a central database
                        capable of generating “real time” Management reports
                 3.     Sufficient financial and human resources must be allocated to construct the single
                        online system and call centers

              5.3     PLKS workers management policy

              5.3.1   Overall policy recommendations for PLKS workers

              12.     MOHR will have sole responsibility for the PLKS management system.

              13.     Working with all the supporting ministries and agencies involved with foreign
              workers, MOHR will articulate the roles and responsibilities consistent with the Malaysian

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