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5.3.4   Policy recommendations contained in the online process for PLKS Workers

              Sectoral dependency ratio quota system

              27.     The online application and automatic approval will be based on the agreed sectoral
              dependency ratio (DR) quota system for PLKS workers embedded in the multi-tier levy
              system. The approval process will also determine the applicable multi-tier levy to be imposed
              for the applicable cohort of PLKS workers.

              Single employer and sector policy

              28.     The approval process will continue to apply the policy which prescribes that the
              PLKS worker can only be employed in the specified business entity and sector for which
              approval  has been  granted. (Each  PLKS worker will have a  unique ID for this  policy to be
              enforced). MOHR in coordination with other concerned ministries and agencies will develop
              a mechanism to permit a variation to this policy based on defined circumstances, e.g. worker

              Policy of no limitation on work functions of PLKS worker in line with qualifications

              29.     The  Independent  Committee  proposes  adoption  of  a  new  policy  with  no  limitations  on
              the work functions of the foreign worker within the assortment of occupational positions
              aligned to normal qualifications, skills and experience levels as reflected in the salary scale of
              the firm. PLKS workers should be allowed to work in all segments of operations of a
              legitimate employer e.g. front and back office, where unforeseen pressure points in business
              operations may occasionally arise, etc. However, the occupational position that a PLKS
              worker is assigned to occupy permanently must meet the qualification, salary and work
              experience level of a similar employee within the firm or the industry at large. Accordingly,
              the employer must provide evidence of training provided to all Malaysian and foreign
              workers to function within the business, including in- house SOPs and training manuals
              where appropriate.

              PLKS workers only in approved sectors and subsector

              30.     The current policy for allowing PLKS workers in selected sectors should be largely
              maintained  for  Peninsular  Malaysia,  Sarawak  and  Sabah.  Any  future  considerations for
              adding or removing sectors will be managed by MOHR on the basis of strict criteria and
              based on consultations with all relevant stakeholders.

              Lift restrictions on frozen subsector

              31.     The current policy to permit the hiring of PLKS workers in certain services subsector
              shall be immediately restored. A hiring freeze of FWs  had been imposed  on these subsectors
              in  the  past  several  years.  MOHR  will  develop  a mechanism  based  on  strict  criteria  for  adding

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