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58.     The PLKS worker will be eligible to receive an employment initially for a duration of
              two  years  from  the  date  of  first arrival  following  a  clean  bill  of health  from  an  official  formal
              medical evaluation within 30 days following arrival in Malaysia. The PLKS can be renewed
              for  a further two  years  each time following a  clean bill of  health from a medical  evaluation.
              In any case, the PLKS worker must undergo and be declared fit after a yearly official medical
              evaluation  in  the first  three  years  of  stay  in  Malaysia  for  the  PLKS  to  continue  to  be valid.
              Thereafter the medical evaluation is to be undertaken every two years consistent with the
              validity and renewal of the PLKS.

              59.     The findings from the medical evaluation are considered valid when the evaluation is
              carried out within 3 months from the expiry date of the prevailing PLKS. Furthermore, the
              medical evaluation must be undertaken no later than one month before the expiry date of the
              PLKS. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a penalty of RM30 a day, to be
              borne by the employer.

              60.     The  PLKS  will  be  valid  and  /or  issued  and  renewed  only  when  the  annual  applicable
              levy in accordance with the multi-tier levy stipulations are paid in full or in accordance with
              the quarterly schedule of payments established.

              61.     Failure to renew the PLKS resulting in a lapse in its validity will incur a penalty of
              RM30  a day  to be  borne  by  the  employer.  Failure  to renew the  PLKS beyond one  month  of
              its expiry date will result in the cancellation of the PLKS and trigger the repatriation
              requirement and process of the foreign worker in question. MOHR in coordination with other
              concerned ministries and agencies will develop a mechanism to permit a variation to this
              repatriation  policy  based  on  defined circumstances,  e.g.  deliberate  worker  abuse by  not
              renewing PLKS.

              Policy recommendations for PLKS worker safety net

              Accident and Healthcare Insurance

              62.     The physical and mental health of foreign workers is a critical issue that needs to be
              addressed in a comprehensive manner. It has been stated that the increase in the number of
              foreign workers has led to the emergence of new diseases and the re-emergence of some
              diseases that had been eradicated or that have been on the verge of eradication. The costs of
              treatment for FWs have been significantly increased due to the government policy of
              charging the full fee without any rebate or subsidy.

              63.     The  Committee  recommends  that  foreign  workers,  refugees,  asylum  seekers  and
              stateless persons pay the same rate as Malaysian in the public healthcare system.

              64.     Occupational  Safety  and  Health  Measures  should  be  improved  across  the  board  for  all
              workers, targeting foreign workers who seem to be afflicted by accidents more often.
              Enhanced training and support should be provided to employers and workers in OSH
              processes and procedures. Breaches of OSHA should be dealt with in an effective and
              meaningful manner to protect vulnerable foreign workers.

              65.     The Independent Committee welcome the government’s commitment to enhance
              protection for foreign workers. The government has announced that the Workmen’s
              Compensation Act 1952 will be abolished so that Malaysian and foreign workers in the
              country are afforded equal work place protection.

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