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also be extended to foreign workers (see paragraph 69 above) it would be imperative for
               MOHR to establish the necessary requisite mechanism for the portability of social security
               and other worker safety net entitlements to be applied to foreign workers.

               73.    The  Independent  Committee  is  of the  considered  view  that  its  recommendation  that  all
               foreign  workers  and employers  contribute to  the Employees  Provident  Fund (EPF)  would
               achieve the stated objectives for the proposed salary deductions that is being considered by
               the NLAC.  Therefore the Independent Committee is  of the view  that the  proposed salary
               deductions of foreign workers as proposed to the NLAC is not necessary and should be

               Worker accommodations

               74.    The Independent Committee urges the government to immediately act on it’s intention
               to pass new legislation to better regulate decent accommodations and housing to be provided
               to all workers, including foreign workers.

                 Policy Recommendations on Recruitment of PLKS Workers
                 1.     Only businesses involved in outsourcing services functions should be allowed to
                        hire PLKS workers on their payroll
                 2.     Businesses involved in the outsourcing of labour using FWs to be prohibited
                 3.     PLKS workers must have standard employment contracts
                 4.     The length of stay for a PLKS worker will be 10 years, with further extensions
                        subject to qualifying conditions
                 5.     PLKS will have worker benefits and safety net covering healthcare, accident
                        insurance, provident fund (EPF), unemployment insurance (EIS) and proper
                 6.     Social Security and other worker safety net benefits should be portable

               5.3.7   Policy recommendations for a PLKS workers complaints mechanism

               75.    It is strongly recommended that a formal online complaints component be established
               within  the  single  online  Application  and  Approval  System.  Filing  of  complaints  through  this
               online mechanism will ensure that confidentiality of the worker or other stakeholders
               reporting any grievance will be protected. At the same time, the online standardised
               complaint form would be simple but detailed enough to ensure that sufficient information is
               provided  to assess  the veracity  of  the  complaint  without  disclosing  the  identity of  the

               76.    The online complaint mechanism should be made available on dedicated computers in
               the employments service centres of MOHR, SOCSO, JobsMalaysia and other public places
               where feedback is solicited. They should be available also in the main languages of the
               foreign workers.

               77.    Together with the complaint mechanism, consideration must be given to procedures
               that allow the PLKS worker or any foreign worker due process and legal support when
               dealing with a work related grievance. A PLKS should not be cancelled to trigger repatriation

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